One of the Last Ames Lake Ducks

I am a beautiful male mallard duck, and for the past few years my buddy and I cruised the lake together because there is only one female duck left on the lake. We were hoping to get mates someday because we love this lake and the people and the surroundings.

My buddy was my best friend and we went everywhere together searching for food, amusing mankind, and protecting each other from dogs and stuff. Many of you folks who live on the lake know us by the special groups that we cruise in as we are together forever. We like to check out the new houses and new families and make sure that we don’t get in anyone’s way. We just want to look good and live.

But on Sunday, April 6th, two teenagers came out in their boat with rocks, and they threw them at us. My best buddy was hit in the head. A lady jumped into the lake to save him. She took him to her house, but it was too late. His head was split open, it was bleeding, and his neck was broken. He died on her kitchen counter while she was frantically calling vet hospitals.

The families of the teens are dealing with them and I am told that he was properly buried. Every day, I go back to the spot where his life ended, hoping to see him again, but I know I will not, and I am so alone.

We ducks just want to add some serenity to the lake, give you members something beautiful to watch growing up, and we try to stay out of the places we don’t belong. Please don’t hurt us, as I am one of the last Ames Lake mallards.

Quackerly yours,

A Duck